‘Everything happens at the right time at the right place.’
– Scott Neeson

When a strong calling hits, anything is possible.

Life in Cambodia dictates the junior heartbeats to roam the streets in search of discarded waste and turn them into survival profits! To find out the story behind it, I engaged on an inspiring conversation with “Papa Scott” – Scott Neeson, Founder of Cambodian Children’s Fund and former President of 20th Century Fox in Cambodia. Spending close to 24HRs was real enough to explore his lifestyle daily.

I exchanged eye contact with Scott, and was immediately overwhelmed by the genuine soul. I asked, ‘What inspires you?’

Here goes…

During my days, we had Titanic, Ice Age, Independence Day and the list goes on, a string of very successful films. I was setting a very good life as I knew Hollywood can do in the Hollywood circle. I’d never really been into charitable work, I’d a lot of prejudice against charity, and where the money goes. I finished my tenure at 20th Century Fox and before I moved to Sony Pictures for a bigger job, I took a five week vacation.

I’d asked a mutual friend about which area or parts of Cambodia had not only the greatest poverty but also no one else to help them.

I gave up on private jets and thousand-dollar-dinners for a child who was lack of a meal and basic medical care. I sold everything, my house, my boat, my 2 dogs and broke up with my long standing girlfriend.

I came to Phnom Penh.”

Watch the full video to appreciate why he left the posh life and set off to save 1,500 little gems out of the slump and garbage. And of course, we all love children, don’t we? Donate here. Every thought counts!

More candid photos here.

Photo courtesy of Shaun Tay
Video produced by Spark A Light
